Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dubai - Largest Fountain in the World!

Emaar water spectacle

Emaar Properties said on Monday it plans to build one of the largest fountains in the world as the centrepiece of its Downtown Burj Dubai project. Arabian Business reveals what the real estate giant has in store

The fountains, which has yet to be named, will be capable of shooting water over 150 metres into the air - the height of a 50-storey building - and stretch over 275 metres - the length of two football fields.

The $218 million project will be 25 percent larger than the iconic fountains at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas.

Like the Fountains of Bellagio, Emaar's fountains will include an integral light and sound show and is expected to become one of Dubai's major tourist attractions, drawing over 10 million visitors per year.

The fountains will shoot 22,000 gallons of water in the air at any given moment and feature over 6,600 lights and 50 colour projectors.

The fountains have yet to be named and a cash prize of $27,225 has been assigned to the winner of a competition to name the water feature.

The structure is scheduled to be operational by 2009.

Source: funonthenet

Friday, September 26, 2008

China Mobile ZJ268 standby time: 666 days

Complaining your mobile keeps getting low battery? You need to charge your mobile every 1 to 2 days? You are using a lousy mobile like me haha..

Solomobi, China company launch a dual-SIM, GSM900/DCS1800 mobile with 3.0-inch display. This mobile is said to achieve 666 days of standby with the help of a 32,800mAh "super battery" (while normal HP is about 1,000 mAh). The price of this toon is about $128 only!

Below is the picture of the phone with the size of a credit card

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Solar Powered Ship

Nippon Yusen KK and Nippon Oil Corp are working together to make the world's first solar powered ship.

As planned, this ship that has the capacity of 60,000 ton will be installed solar panel to save up to 6.5% fuel, and carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced by 1-2% or 20 tons per year. It will cost Nippon Usen about $1.4million to create the solar panel system. The ship is expected to be completed by December with damage to the panels from salt and vibration the biggest obstacles

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Remove Bad Smells in Your Fridge

Do you smell something awful lately from your fridge?
I found an article on the web that teaches us on how to remove those odors.
Hope this will help you guys in removing odors from your fridge

  1. Remove all the items from your fridge. As you go, discard any overdue food that is developing into a science project.
  2. Place any food you choose to keep in a cooler while you work. Add ice if it will be out for some time.
  3. Clean all the shelves and drawers with soap and water. Don't forget to wipe as much of the walls and floor of the fridge as you can, even under the crisper drawers.
  4. If the smell persists, buy some freshly ground coffee.
  5. Dump 1 to 2 cups of the coffee grounds on a large plate and spread them around. Use multiple plates if the smells are extreme.
  6. Place the plate on the center shelf.
  7. Close the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours.
  8. Dispose of the coffee grounds and replace the food.
  9. Buy Baking Soda at your local grocery store.
  10. Either slice off the top of the Baking Soda box or pour baking soda in plastic container.
  11. Put the baking soda in your fridge, uncovered.
  12. Smell your fridge about 3 days later.
  13. Remove the baking soda and throw it away if it has cleared the smell.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shortest International Bridge

It is located at Zavikon Island. On the left side it belongs to Canada, while the other side belongs to USA.

The Zavikon Island refers to a pair of islands in the Thousand Islands archipelago on the St. Lawrence River between New York and Ontario, near Rockport, Ontario. The Zavikon Island is located in the Canadian territory and belongs to the Leeds and Grenville municipal unit.

A popular tale among local guides is that the bigger part of Zavikon is in Canada, while the smaller part is in the United States, and the foot bridge between them is the "shortest international bridge in the world". However, this is not true as both islands are Canadian Territory.

In 1985, the islands hosted the first Zavikon Conference organized by the Dräger Foundation.

Source: Wikipedia

Thursday, September 18, 2008

10 Longest Bridges in The World

Below is the list of 10 longest bridges in the world.
This shows us that there are no borders and everything is reachable!

10. Seven Mile Bridge, located at Florida Keys, US. About 10.93km

09. San Mateo-Hayward Bridge, located at San Francisco, US. About 11.2km

08. Confedration Bridge, located at New Brunswick, Canada. About 12.9km

07. Rio-Niteroi Bridge, located at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. About 13.3km

06. Penang Bridge, located at Malaysia. About 13.5km

05. Vasco da Gama Bridge, located at Lisbon, Portugal. About 17.2km

04. Chesapeake Bay Bridge, located at Maryland, US. About 7km

03. King Fahd Causeway, located at Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. About 12.4km

02. Donghai Bridge, located at Shanghai and Yangshan, China. About 32.5km

01. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, located at Southern of Louisiana, US. About 38.42km

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

101 World's Important Gadgets Invention

Published in 16 November 2007

This is the list of 101 important invention that successfully changed the world until now..

01. Abacus, AD190

35. Fridge, 1834

69. Radio, 1895

02. Archimedes Screw, c.700BC

36. Gore-Tex, 1972

70. Robot, 1921

03. Aspirin, 1899

37. GPS, 1978

71. Rubber band, 1845

04. Atari 2600, 1977

38. Guillotine, 1792

72. Saddle, AD200

05. Barbed wire, 1873

39. Gun, 14th century

73. Safety razor, 1895

06. Barcode, 1973

40. Internal combustion engine, 1859

74. Sellotape, 1937

07. Battery, 1800

41. iPod, 2001

75. Sewing machine, 1830

08. Bicycle, 1861

42. Kettle, 1891

76. SMS, 1992

09. Biro, 1938

43. Laptop, 1982

77. Spectacles, 1451

10. Blackberry, 1999

44. Laser, 1960

78. Stethoscope, 1819

11. Bow and arrow, 30,000BC

45. Lawnmower, 1830

79. Swiss Army Knife, 1897

12. Bra, 1913

46. Lead pencil, 1564

80. Syringe, 1844

13. Button, 1235

47. Light bulb, 1848

81. Telephone, 1876

14. Camcorder, 1983

48. Locks, 2000BC

82. Telescope, 1608

15. Camera, 1826

49. Machine gun, 1884

83. Television, 1925

16. Cardiac pacemaker, 1958

50. Mechanical clock, 1092

84. The internet, 1969

17. CD, 1965

51. Microchip, 1958

85. The match, 1826

18. Clockwork radio, 1991

52. Microscope, 1590

86. The Pill, 1951

19. Compass, 1190

53. Microwave oven, 1946

87. Thermometer, 1592

20. Condom, 1640

54. Mobile phone, 1947

88. Tools, 2,600,000BC

21. Credit card, 1950

55. Mouse, 1964

89. Toothbrush, 1498

22. Digital camera, 1975

56. Nintendo Gameboy, 1989

90. Transistor radio, 1953

23. Digital TV recorder, 1999

57. Noise-cancelling headphones, 1988

91. Transistor, 1947

24. Digital watch, 1972

58. Paper clip, c.1892

92. TV remote control, 1950

25. Drum, 12,000BC

59. Paper, AD105

93. Umbrella, 2400BC

26. Dynamite, 1867

60. PC, 1977

94. Vacuum cleaner, 1901

27. Electric shaver, 1928

61. Plough, AD100

95. Velcro, 1948

28. Eraser, 1770

62. Pneumatic tyre, 1845

96. VHS recorder, 1976

29. Fax machine, 1843

63. Pocket calculator, 1971

97. Vibrator, 1902

30. Fibre optic cable, 1966

64. Polaroid camera, 1947

98. Walkman, 1979

31. Fire, 590,000BC

65. Pop-up toaster, 1926

99. Weighing scales, 5000BC

32. Fish hook, 30,000BC

66. Post-it note, 1973

100. Wheel, 3500BC

33. Floppy disk, 1971

67. Printing press, 1454

101. Zip, 1913

34. Flushing toilet, 1597

68. Qwerty keyboard, 1868

Origins of the Name Indonesia

Again, i found this interesting article about the origins of the name Indonesia to share with you guys and gals

The Emergence of Modern Southeast Asia: A New History
by David Chandler, Norman G. Owen, William R. Roff, David Joel Steinberg, Jean Gelman Taylor, Robert H. Taylor, Alexander Woodside, David K. Wyatt

edited by Norman G. Owen
Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, Feb. 2005

The term "Indonesia" was first used in 1850 by the British anthropologist J. R. Logan to designate islands called the "Indian Archipelago" by other Western writers. For Logan, "Indonesia" did not designate a political unit but a cultural zone that included the Philippines. The forebears of today's Indonesians had no term for the region or concept of a single political unit linking communities across seas. From ancient times Java had been known by that single name, but most of Indonesia's islands derive their names from European labeling. Early European traders at the port of Samudera named the entire island Sumatra, and visitors to the sultanate of Brunei called the whole island Borneo.

The Dutch named their colonial possessions Indië (the Indies). Initially the Indies meant Java and a few ports scattered across the archipelago. Between 1850 and 1914 Dutch power engulfed over three hundred separate sultanates and communities, and welded them into a single administrative unit called the "Netherlands Indies." Subjects were called "Natives," a legal category alongside "Europeans" and "Foreign Orientals" (local Chinese and Arabs), replacing the terms "Moor," "Christian," and "Heathen" used in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Associations in the early years of the twentieth century identified themselves by geography and generation, such as "League of Sumatran Youth" and "Ambonese Youth." As ideological identities developed, parties took the colonial unit as their geographic marker but opted for Logan's "Indonesia" instead of the Dutch "Indies." The first to do so was the Communist Party of Indonesia, founded in 1921. Opponents of the Dutch understood "Indonesia" as both a political and a cultural entity; they adopted as a common language a variant of Malay spoken in Sumatra, already widely used as a lingua franca, and called it the "Indonesian language" (Bahasa Indonesia). The political unit they eventually won was the Dutch colony stretching from Sabang Island off northern Sumatra to Merauke on the border with Papua New Guinea, but many wanted the cultural definition of "Indonesia"--Islamic and Malay-speaking--translated into a state that would include Malaya, southern Thailand, the southern Philippines, all of Borneo, and Portuguese East Timor.

Following independence Indonesian place-names were substituted for the Dutch. Batavia became Djakarta; Buitenzorg, Bogor; and Borneo, Kalimantan. Indonesian spelling was revised in 1972, making Djakarta Jakarta and Atjeh Aceh. In this book Indonesia designates the state established by Sukarno on 17 August 1945; for the period before 1945, it is used as a shorthand for the islands constituting today's republic.

The Second Great Depression

Are we entering the Second Great Depression?

What is?
The Great Depression was a dramatic, worldwide economic downturn starting in most places in 1929 and ending at different times in the 1930s for different countries. It was the largest and most important economic depression in world history, and is used in the 21st century as a benchmark on how far a modern economy could possibly fall. The Great Depression originated in the United States; historians most often use as a starting date the stock market crash on October 29, 1929, known as Black Tuesday. The end of the depression in the U.S. is associated with the onset of the war economy of World War II, beginning around 1939.


  1. Debt
  2. Trade Decline and the U.S. Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
  3. U.S. Federal Reserve and Money Supply
  4. Lack of government deficit spending
  5. Inequality of wealth and income

This Great Depression involves many countries:
  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. East Asia
  4. France
  5. Germany
  6. Latin America
  7. Netherlands
  8. South Africa
  9. Soviet Union
  10. United Kingdom
  11. United States
Now - The coming Second Great Depression
  1. Oil price up and down
  2. The director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), James B. Lockhart III. on September 7, 2008 announced his decision to place two Government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation), into conservatorship run by FHFA
  3. Plans were announced on 14 September 2008 for Bank of America to acquire Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., if approved by regulators and shareholders of both companies.
  4. On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection listing bank debt of $613 billion, $155 billion in bond debt and assets worth $639 billion. The filing is the largest bankruptcy in US history. Until the bankruptcy procedures are completed, the company is still in existence
  5. People are concerned that AIG, one of the world's largest insurers could be the next financial giant to fall after Lehman Brothers.
  6. What's next?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

World Biggest Hole

The giant hole is located Eastern Siberia near the town Mirna, Russia.
This hole is actually a diamond mine.
It is 525m deep and 1.25km in the diameter

Helicopter and other flying units are not allowed to fly pass this hole as there is a 'sucking' energy from this hole that already causes some accidents.

A comparison is done between a big truck and the hole.

The red arrow below shows where the truck is in the giant hole

Other pictures of this giant hole

Giant hole looks from satellite

Human Body - Non-Stop Working Machine

Do you ever wonder what have our organs do in 24 hours a day?
Some researches have been done by few medical experts to normal weight adult for the duration of 24 hours:

  • Your heart beats 103,689 times.
  • Your blood travels 168,000,000 miles.
  • You breathe 23,040 times.
  • You inhale 438 cubic feet of air.
  • You eat 3 ½ pounds of food.
  • You drink 2.9 pounds of liquid.
  • You lose in weight 7.8 pounds of waste.
  • You perspire 1.43 pints.
  • You give off heat 85.6 degrees F.
  • You turn in your sleep 25-35 times.
  • You speak about 48,000 words.
  • You move 750 major muscles.
  • Your nails grow .000046 inch.
  • Your hair grows .01714 inch.
  • And you exercise 7,000,000 brain cells with each thought.

Amazing Basketball Shot (Youtube)

Wow... I found this guy is very amazing, don't you think so?

Tips for Reducing Stress

Are you stress lately? What causes you to stress?
For whatever reason that we may have, Stress will not solve your problem.

Below let us see some tips for reducing stress in your daily life that i get from some Health Website:

1. Breathe Deeply - Inhale deeply through your nose.
Pull the air all the way down, deep into the lungs. Hold the breath for a count of six. Exhale slowly through the mouth to the count of six. Do this for several minutes. Be careful not to hyperventilate. If dizzy or light-headedness occur, begin breathing naturally.

2. Share Your Feelings and Thoughts - Call a friend.
Join a group. Join a community on the Internet. If you feel these avenues are not helping talk to your doctor, seek out a cou
nselor. Use all resources after through work, church and community. If seeing a counselor is something you’re fearful of, consider getting a pet. Pets listen very well.

3. Make Time for Relaxation and Fun – Find an activity that makes you feel good.
It may be dancing, listening to music, walking along the beach, prayer, hiking in the mountains, working in the g
arden, taking photographs, watching birds, going to the movies, golfing, swimming, visiting museums. Make a list of activities that give you joy. Break them down into time segments of 2-5 minutes, 5-20 minutes, 30 minutes to ½ day and ½ day or longer. List the activities that give you joy under these time segments. Do at least three of them everyday. Most people think they have to do big things, such as vacations of whole days away from work or home to relieve stress. Not so, small activities that give you joy are the best stress busters.

4. Exercise - Try something new, like swimming.
Begin a walking program. Do some form of exercise that interests you. Make sure to consult your physician beforehand.

5. Laugh - Laughter is a great way to relieve stress.
If you find something funny, have a good belly laugh. Watch funny movies. Read funny stories.

6. Get Rid of Negative - Take a hard look at the circle or environment you’re standing in.
People who are negative and prone to “moods” spread negativity to others. Learn to say no to negativity and remove yourself from it whenever possible.

7. Ge
t A Massage – Make an investment in yourself.
Massage therapy can relax muscles, easy muscle spasm, increase blood flow to skin and muscles and relieve mental and emotional stress. A massage will be one of the best investments you’ve ever made.

8. Be Realistic in Expectations– Don’t expect everyone to be like you or behave to your code of “shoulds and oughts”.
Don’t expect to be right all the time. Don’t expect harmony all the time. Real life has conflicts in it.
Be willing to confront conflict, state your needs then work at coming to a mutual compromise.

9. Examine your expectations of yourself - When you can’t live up to them, they will cause stress, tension and pressure.
Learn to say no when unrealistic demands are placed upon you. Communicate what you can do and what you can’t do clearly. Be honest with yourself on the expectations (goals) you place on yourself. Don’t let ego and social pressure force you into being/doing something your not.

10. Monitor Your
Communication Skills – Aggressive and hostile communication with others antagonizes and alienates.
Assertive training can help you learn to express your needs without offending others or feeling ignored.

11. You can only change yourself - Work to grasp the full meaning of this statement.
Trying to change another person causes stress to both parties. It can ruin relationships, damage relationships and
cause others to withdraw from you. If you make statements such as – if only he, if only she, if only they – then you need to look in the mirror and say, what can I change about myself to make the situation better.

12. Accept Reality - If you can’t leave a situation that is causing you extreme stress then accept it as it is.
Adjust your approach to it. Look for ways to see positive things. Do not dwell on the negative. Above
all, if the situation is abusive, either physically or emotionally (this includes work situations also) seek professional help through counseling.

Stress will not suddenly disappear in modern day life. It will remain even increase. To reduce and manage stress takes a commitment to do so. Make a commitment to practice or do anyone of the following tips and chances are stress levels will begin to fall to a range where it is manageable and causes no long-term damage to health or relationships.

Human Body Pt 3 (Hair) - Did you know?

1. Average number of hairs on the head: 100,000.

2. Female hair grows more slowly than male hair (wouldn’t you just know it)

3. Plucking one grey hair will not make two grow back

4. Forty percent of women by the time they reach menopause will have female pattern (hereditary) hair loss. Over 50% of men by age 50 have male pattern hair loss.

5. When your hair is wet, it can increase its length by up to 30% and still return to normal length after it's dried. If you stretch your hair too often you can damage it and cause breakage to the hair shaft.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Blood Type and You!

Received an interesting email from friend today about blood type..
Too bad, it is in Indonesian
only (I will try to translate it if I got free time :p )


Too Small? Click to Enlarge one by one or alternatively you can download this .rar file Blood Type.rar

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drawing Monalisa in 80 milliseconds (Youtube)

This video is very interesting, comparing CPU and GPU

Have Fun

Human Body Pt 2 (Brain) - Did you know?

1. The weight of an average human brain is about 1300-1400g - @ 3lbs i.e., almost one bag of sugar.

2. About 750ml of blood pumps through your brain every minute!

3. Unconsciousness will occur after 8-10 seconds after loss of blood supply to the brain

4. The human brain is approximately 75% water

5. Your brain is capable of having more ideas than the number of atoms in the known universe!

Source: Brain Facts

Human Body Pt 1 (Nose) - Did you know?

1. No two people smell the same odor the same way. In other words, a rose may smell sweeter to some people than to others.

2. The average human being is able to recognize approximately 10,000 different odors.

3. A woman’s sense of smell is keener than a man’s.

4. In an adult, 18,000 to 20,000 liters of air pass through the nose each day.

5. Two U.S. scientists - Richard Axel and Linda B. Buck - 'figured out how the nose smells all the smells it smells!' and won themselves a BIG award for their work in 2004 (the Nobel Trophy and $1.3million)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sigbritt, 75, World's fastest Broadband

Sigbritt Löthberg, 75, Karlstad Sweden has a 40 gigabits per second internet connection of her own, which is the first time ever that a home user had such bandwidth to play with.

The connection in her house is 1000x faster than the average household's connection in the world. She can download HD DVD just within 2seconds! She also can watch about 1,500 HDTV channels in realtime without any latency.

She, who never even had a personal computer till now, is no ordinary elderly woman. She is the mother of Swedish Internet Legend Peter Löthberg

Online Video Streaming

Again.... I have 3 interesting Online Video Streaming URLs to share to Netizens that view my blog.

I have ranked 3 of these URLS into 9/10, 8/10 and 8/10!

For 9/10 is:

Nevertheless it is in Mandarin again.
For this URL you need to download its tool in order to view the movie online
Download tool

For both 8/10 are actually sister's URLs

Beware! There are some semi-nudity ads in these 2 URLs that i why i sensor in the screen shot above. These 2 URLs only can stream english movies and no tools required. It uses .FLV files

Online Music Streaming

I have a good URL to introduce to those finding online music streaming

It is a chinese website writing in Mandarin.
It has Mandarin, English, Korean and Japanese Singer's Album, cool huh?
Lazy to read more of my nonsense? hahaha...

Okay! The link that I will introduce to you guys is

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