Monday, September 1, 2008

Dubai Carbon Neutral Pyramid

I suppose all of us know what is Egyptians and Mayans Pyramid looks like. If you are still unsure of what it looks like, you can see the picture below :p

Now at Dubai, human is building another miracle - carbon-neutral super-structure pyramid. The firm 'Timelinks' recently released some interesting pictures of the gigantic eco pyramid - named Ziggurat - which plans to run on October 2008!

This pyramid covers 2.3 square kilometers and able to house over 1 million people. It is also 'almost totally self-sufficient energy-wise'. By tapping into the planet's renewable resources, designers assert that it could practically be carbon-neutral, and given that transport within the machine would be connected by an "integrated 360-degree network," fuel-burning cars would be pointless.


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