Thursday, October 16, 2008

Longest Stalagmite !

A stalagmite (from the Greek stalagma ("Σταλαγμίτης"), "drop" or "drip") is a type of speleothem that rises from the floor of a limestone cave due to the dripping of mineralized solutions and the deposition of calcium carbonate.

The corresponding formation on the ceiling of a cave is known as a stalactite. If these formatio
ns grow together, the result is known as a column.

If you venture to the Zhejiang province in China make sure you visit Zhijin Cave, home to the world's longest stalagmite, all 230 record setting feet or 70 meters of it.

The Zhijin Cave stalagmite inches out the previous record stalagmite which is located in Cueva San Martin Infierno, Cuba and measures a meager 67.2 meters.


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